Long Run…
To prepare for the WRT (WhiteRock Triathlon), which will require a 20km run, a once a week long run, about 2 hours or 20km, is a necessity. It is a simulation of the distance that you will cover during the race.At least for the run leg.
So, hard it is, but extremely important..
I woke up at 4.50am. A little bit ahead of my cellphone alarm which was set last night at 5am.I immediately got up to take a shower. It has been my strategy to immediately take a shower after waking up para matanggal agad ang katamaran.hehe…
After my morning routines, I was able got out from my house at 5.15am.Pretty quick!!Did my stretching routine, and I was off running at 5.20am.This will be a long non-stop run at a slow steady pace for 2 hours..Of course, I brought my hydration pack and filled it with my energy drink to keep my hydrated during the entire run..Also I brought my Sony cellphone with an MP3 player and earphones just in case I got bored along the way.
From my Mandaluyong house, i will be heading to Makati..
During my long runs, I usually entertain a lot of thoughts. Looots of it!!..What is there to do anyway aside from the repetitious up and down running for long hours..I have to do it to keep me entertained as well.
And this run is no exception..Let me share some of the thoughts that occupied me during the entire run.
Thoughts on my Ateneo High School Batchmates
Since I just attended a mini-reunion with some of my batchmates just recently, and had created a looooong blog entry as well for my batchmates to read (I am actually glad that my batchmates are beginning to like what I write), I am in my “High School Mood”.
One attestation is that, my Sony cellphone, is loaded with music from the 90’s.I got Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Rage Against the Machine, Metallica, STP, and some more. I downloaded the songs from the internet for FREE. Thanks for this cool site http://www.mp3-org.com/.
Anyway, during the run, I thought of my batchmates a lot. I contemplated on what Kirk Tate, our incumbent batch prez, had said on his e-mail in response to my blog regarding the genuine love that we had for each of our batchmates. Suddenly, I felt lucky to be one of the Ateneo Batch 93.You can’t be any happier knowing that you have someone out there (just needed to be discovered) that truly loves you as a brother..Though you might think that this is somehow ma-drama, but heck, that is how I really feel.. And I also feel the same genuine love for each of them.
I also recalled what Steve Realuyo had said. It is magical when you are with your high school batchmates.Truly it is!!..Truly a magical moment when you are with a group that you haven’t been with for the last 15 years, and yet, you are one of them in one occasion telling stories as if it just happened yesterday... You can’t help but to feel young again.
And now, I look forward to the next “hirilingan”, “mini-reunion”, or whatever you call it. I crave for more magical moments..Sino ba naman ang aayaw na maging bata uli??..The occasion is a good break as well from our own daily grinds…
Thoughts on WRT Triathlon
Of course, I thought about WRT..This is what I train for anyway!hehe..This is the reason why I am running now.
I got a big boost to train more for the said event when Resty from Herbalife called me last night telling me that I will have to submit now my WRT application form to Herbalife.. That translates to Herbalife sponsoring my (and among others) participation to WRT.Astig!! I feel like a PRO-ATHLETE everytime this sponsorship comes….Free Entry Fee (which is P6K, laking tipid di ba)..Free Transportation to Whiterock (riding in a coaster exclusively for the Herbalife Athletes.Tipid sa Gas!)…Free Hotel accomodation for 3 days and 2 nights (have to be there two days before the race for the recon of the race route)...and maybe, a Free Tri Suit.It’s a maybe because they have just released to us a new Tri-Suit last Subic Triathlon...Baka lang naman magbigay pa uli.hehe.
With all of those of freebies, saan ka na?!. In Bikol, saen ka pa?!!!...My running pace at this point just got a bit faster thinking about this sponsorship thing.Ginanahan bigla!..i truly feel like a pro-athlete (syempre I AM NOT)..it occurs only in my dreams that I am one..i am just being auspicious now to be with a great organization like Herbalife..Cheers to Herbalife and to the people behind it (Big Bosses, Resty, and Joy)….Joy is the one who introduced me to Herbalife..Resty is the one who includes my name in the list of Herbalife triathletes.He somehow lobbies for me.hehehe…..and the Big Bosses of Herbalife who approves it….i am truly grateful!!..From the bottom of my heart.
And of course, as I said, my running pace got faster…WRT is just a month and a half away…As my show of gratitude to Herbalife, i will be more dyed-in-the-wool to train…See ya at the finish line!!
Top 5 Songs on my MP3
As my energy depletes, running for an hour and half now, I thought of plugging my MP3 for a boost. I already primed the songs that I would want to hear and save it in a playlist.
And here’s the top 5 songs I have prepared:
1.) I Can Only Imagine – by Mercy Me
2.) Redeemer – Nicole C. Mullen
These two songs were used in a video of Team Hoyt (I’ll be posting the video here soon).These are powerful songs to me.Everytime I hear these, I can picture in my mind the video of Team Hoyt, wherein the father “carries” his son with CP (Celebral Palsy) to finish an Ironman Race.The images on the video is moving and inspiring.
3.) Lose Yourself by Eminem
4.) Master of Puppets by Metallica – master..master..master of puppets im pulling your strings…twisting your mind, smashing your dreams…blinding by me, can’t see a thing
5.) This Is A Call by Foo Fighters
As I plug the earphones to my ears, and upon hearing these songs, my pace picked-up once again. As if I had just started the run…Great help!!
Upon seeing my house where I live, I felt a sigh of relief.Finally, I am about to finish this long run. I checked in my clock, I have been running for 2hours and 15 mins..I am little over than what I have planned, but that’s alright!..It is even better, I thought.
Another training had passed..and this is one definitely fulfilling..hard it is.but that what makes it fulfilling.
Another set of thoughts during the next long run??Yes...Maybe, I’ll think of my batchmates again, or maybe not…Kahit anong thoughts basta entertaining.Something that will fill me during the long run.
Long Run for this week..CHECK!!!...Long Bike naman this weekend..
11 months ago
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